Converting raw timber into a usable building material utilises far less energy than most manufactured products including steel, plastic, aluminium and concrete. Therefore it generates significantly less carbon dioxide in manufacture.
To process wood as a construction material requires reasonably low amounts of energy. For example, the manufacture of cement requires around four times more and steel as much as 24 times more energy than the production of timber materials.
Every cubic meter of wood used as a substitute for other building materials reduces CO2 emissions to the atmosphere by and average of 1.1 Tonnes of CO2. If this is added to the 0.9 Tonnes of CO2 stored in each cubic meter of wood saves a total of 2 Tonnes CO2 .
Increasing the percentage of wood use in the UK would produce sufficient CO2, savings to account for a major % of the target reductions prescribed by the Kyoto Protocol & new imposed legislation to produce low CO2 emissions & more sustainable construction processes.
Using wood also helps to save energy over the life of a building, as its cellular structure provides outstanding thermal insulation: 15 times better than concrete, 400 times better than steel and 1700 times better than aluminium. A 25mm timber board has better thermal resistance than a 114mm brick wall. As a result, wood is becoming an ever more competitive solution to the increasing thermal demands of European building regulations.
Timber provides material that is strong, light, durable and attractive. It is in the long-term interests of our company to act responsibly towards the environment and the communities in which we operate. We believe timber structures contribute to a more environmentally responsible economy and, in turn, provide our clients with sustainable solutions for domestic and commercial projects throughout the UK.