Drawings available on request
1. Free shapes
Double curvatures 2axis curves
Free shapes are formed by gluing
Or custom joinery
2. Finger-jointed connections
Complete glulam cross-sections
Finger joint = resorcinol gluing
Portal frames
Cranked beams
3. Sloped beam with straight bottom chord
Transverse stress reinforcement with threaded rods
Beam lay-up: combined non-symmetrically
4. Curved beams
Any radii desired with more than 1m inner radius
Lamination thickness > 5mm
Beam lay-up: combined non-symmetrically
5. Double or multiple glued beams
For widths larger than 280mm
General finger-joint = resorcinol gluing
6. Pre-cambered beams
Pre-cambered to I/200 or I/300
Simple camber for single-span beams
Per-camber for multiple-span or cantilever beams
7. Planked Components
Bilateral and unilateral planking
Glued or mechanically attached
8. Sloped beam with arched bottom chord (boomerang)
Up to 20% roof slope
Transverse stress reinforcement with threaded rods
Beam lay-up: combined non-symmetrically
9. Trussed beams
Three-hinged tied arch with or without tie rod
2 hinged arch with or without tie rod
10. Trusses
Any heights and lengths
The maximum dimensions are only limited by transport restrictions